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Instruction manuals

Many of the instruction manuals are available for viewing in two formats - either html or pdf. The html format is best for viewing on the web as the pages can be browsed through and accessed from the main index page. If you wish to download and print the manual then it is best to do so using the pdf format. If you do not have the Acrobat pdf viewer then click the link to download it

Html format

To browse through the instruction manual click on one of the arrows at each side of the page number at the bottom of the page. This will take you forwards or back one page. Clicking on the page number itself will take you to the index. From there you can click on any page number to go directly to that page. When you first go to the manual a new version of your browser will be opened. When you have finnished simply close your browser to return to this page.

Phantom TDI <Jun 99 (FPW axle)
Phantom TDI Jun> 99 (FPW axle)
Phantom TDI Jun 99> (Melo axle)
Phantom TDI <Jun 99 (Melo axle)
Phantom TCI
Sprayer - Alloy booms, Braglia controls
Sprayer - Alloy booms. Teejet controls Jun98>
Sprayer - Steel booms. Braglia controls
Sprayer - Steel booms. Teejet controls Jun98>
Stealth TDI >Jun 99 (FPW axle)
Stealth TDI Jun 99> (Melo axle)
Stealth TDI >Jun 99 (Melo axle)


Pdf format

To view in Pdf format you will need a pdf file viewer such as Adobe Acrobat Viewer - you can download the latest version from the Adobe website if you do not already have it installed on your computer.


Agribuggy 4D Nov 96>
Agribuggy 5D Nov 96>
Phantom TDI <Jun 99 (FPW axle)
Phantom TDI Jun> 99 (FPW axle)
Phantom TDI Jun 99> (Melo axle)
Phantom TDI <Jun 99 (Melo axle)
Phantom TCI
Sprayer - Alloy booms, Braglia controls
Sprayer - Alloy booms. Teejet controls Jun98>
Sprayer - Steel booms. Braglia controls
Sprayer - Steel booms. Teejet controls Jun98>
Stealth TDI >Jun 99 (FPW axle)
Stealth TDI Jun 99> (Melo axle)
Stealth TDI >Jun 99 (Melo axle)


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